Sallie Riehl has dreamed of traveling at least once before settling down to join church, so she is thrilled at an unexpected summer opportunity to nanny in Cape May for a well-to-do family. However, saying even a temporary good-bye to Paradise Township means forgoing baptism another year, as well as leaving behind a would-be beau. Yet the weeks in Cape May soon prove unforgettable as Sallie meets a Mennonite young man whose friendship she quickly begins to cherish. Has she been too hasty with her promises, or will she only find what her heart is longing for back home?
Once upon a time, I loved reading books about Amish and Mennonite people; and read stories with them in none stop. I then got totally fed up with the same old story lines, so didn't read any for a few years. I have read many of Beverly Lewis' books over the years, so thought I would give this one a try and I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it.
I guess what made this one so different was that although Sallie was Amish, she had hopes and dreams that were not centred around her day to day Amish life. I don't ever remember reading a book about an Amish woman wanting to travel the world? Also what made this story so different is was set at the sea side in a real place called Cape May; a place I had never heard of before reading this book.
There was enough detail in this book on various topics away from the Amish culture that it would appeal to a number of people, not just people interested in the Amish.
Stars out of 5 : 4.5 Really enjoyed it. Enjoyed the authors notes. Learned something new about various marine life species and the book's lead characters lives were interesting. Well worth the read.
"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group".