With microchips implanted in their skulls at birth, the slaves of Cantral and Cillineese have labored under the tyrannical rule of the Nobles and their computers for decades. Monica, a Noble who avoided the implanting and escaped a death sentence at the age of four, is now sixteen and is in hiding. She lives with the slaves inside the walls of the Cantral palace, pretending to be one of them while the slave council plots a way to use her chip-less state to destroy the all-powerful computers that strike down any hint of rebellion.
The Nobles hear of Monica’s survival and try to exterminate her before she ruins their upper-class utopia. The rebels send her to find a missing paper bearing instructions on how to shut down the computers that control the chips in Cillineese, a major city-state. The Nobles are alerted to the plan and prepare to seal Cillineese in a giant dome to gas the inhabitants, including Monica.
The fate of millions rides on Monica’s shoulders. As the only chip-less person in the world, she must find the paper, destroy the computers, and free Cillineese from the Nobles’ iron fist before they strike with the ultimate punishment—death for everyone inside the city walls.
First let me say this is not my normal genre of book. Even the cover of the book is off putting if you ask me. However I am so glad I decided to read this book, it was great, I couldn't put it down. Honestly, I had to know what was going to happen next. It hooked you from the first few pages.
Now reading what other people said, if you're a fan of The Hunger Games, you will love this book. As I have never read nor seen The Hunger Games I have no idea. Also someone said "the story begins with gloom (which it does), which is perfect for the dystopian setting." As you can see I have put a link for the word dystopian as I had no idea what it meant.
I will say this book left me with a lot of questions unanswered; for instance - how did the Nobles come into power? Where did the "Seens" come from? What happened to our modern ways?
I am looking forward to the second book in the series, as the story left off with much more to tell.
Stars out of 5 : A resounding 5, loved the book despite it not being a book I would normally read. I think it is aimed at young adults, but even though I am not young, I am an adult, so I felt qualified to read it!!!
"Book has been provided courtesy of Foundation Distributing, Inc and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from AMG Publishers".